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  • Open Support Ticket

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    • How to Contact Us

      Image      Create a Support Ticket

      Generating a ticket within the Help Center offers a simple and hassle-free method for obtaining a ticket number, as well as furnishing us with the necessary details to expedite the processing of your inquiry. We offer various ticket forms, each guiding you to input the essential information crucial for the efficient handling of your request.
      • After completing the Ticket Form, an automated email will be sent to you, containing your ticket number.
      • You have the option to respond to the automated email you've received if you wish to offer additional details for your customer service representative to assess.
      • After your ticket is addressed and closed, you still have the option to reopen it by responding to the email.

      Image       When to Call

      We strongly advise initiating a support ticket for optimal help. Nevertheless, if you prefer to connect with a real-time representative regarding troubleshooting, installation, or maintenance inquiries, our team is prepared to receive your calls from 8:00am to 5:00pm EST at 1-866-839-2888.

      Image       When to Email

      Feel free to send an email at customerservice@ovedecors.com, and you'll receive an automated email containing your ticket number. Please remember that if you don't provide sufficient information, it might delay the process of addressing your request. For a more efficient resolution, we recommend opening a support ticket. Emails are most suitable for inquiries that don't require an immediate response.

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        Want to talk to a live agent? No problem!

        Our customer service team is available Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm EST at 1-866-839-2888